Imam Khomeini neutralized the oppression conspiracies

Shaban, Sheykh Saeed – the leader of the Islamic Tawheed movement of the Lebanon

Imam Khomeini rising created a transformation regarding the Islamic-political thought and he through creating such a transformation proved that there is the possibility to create an Islamic society and the desperate efforts that are made by the anti- Islamic forces has not been able to weaken Islam’s influence on the humane societies.

When the Islamic revolution of Iran became victorious and that was led by Imam Khomeini all of the conspiracies of Zionism and those of the oppression and they were making efforts to reject the Islam's power and that led the humane society and then they were defeated and a new transformation was created within Islam's political thinking.

Shaban, Sheykh Saeed – the leader of the Islamic Tawheed movement of the Lebanon

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