In 1978 and while Islamic movement of Iranian people led by Imam Khomeini had reached its culmination, the Shah’s regime, disappointed at compromising with Imam Khomeini, tried some political measures to limit his activities or deport him from Iraq.
Saturday, October 05, 2019 11:53
The Islamic revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini emerged as a uccess story and a perfect model for other ongoing Islamic movements across the strategic regions of the Muslim world.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019 04:00
When merchants met Imam at the time, they asked him about their most important duties and obligations in those circumstances. At this Imam replied that their major duty was to enlighten people.
Sunday, September 29, 2019 01:59
After the acceptance of the resolution 598 by Iran, the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam and his US-led Western and regional backers didn't have any explanation and reason for their people concerning the imposition of the eight year-old war on Iran.
Saturday, September 28, 2019 05:16
The Islamic Republic emerged unscathed and triumphant despite numerous attacks during the eight-year Iraqi-imposed war.
Thursday, September 26, 2019 06:23
Imam Khomeini’s unique leadership inspired Iranians to stand against aggression and war launched by the then Iraqi dictator Saddam and his US-led backers.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 08:18
Iran under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini mobilized the nation to defend the revolution against Western-backed Saddam’s aggression.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 09:32
The Iranian nation under wise leadership of Imam Khomeini managed to foil all plots hatched by the Saddam regime and its colonial backers.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 05:54