French Tourists visit Imam`s ancestral home in Khomein

French Tourists visit Imam's ancestral home in Khomein

A group of French tourists have visited Imam Khomeini's historic residence in city of Khomein.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 10:43

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Imam never missed prayers on time even during a meeting with leaders of Muslim Countries

Imam never missed prayers on time even during a meeting with leaders of Muslim Countries

A memoir by Ayatollah Tusali – Imam's student

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 09:12

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The moment when Imam Khomeini said he was missing Dr. Chamran

The moment when Imam Khomeini said he was missing Dr. Chamran

Mustafa Chamran became the Minister of Defense; and when the Iraqi imposed war against Iran broke out, he gave up his position as the Minister of Defense and went to Ahwaz to fight. Chamran continued to defend the country against aggressive powers until he was martyred on June 21, 1981.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 10:13

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Iranian pilgrims arrive in Medina ahead of  Hajj pilgrimage

Iranian pilgrims arrive in Medina ahead of Hajj pilgrimage

Shedding tears of joy after years of longing for the chance to visit a land described as the land of revelation in the holy Quran! Thousands of Iranians have arrived in the city of Medina or the city of the Prophet, as it hosts the final resting place of the Prophet Muhammad.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 04:01

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Palestinian official: Imam Khomeini made Palestine axis of Islamic unity

Palestinian official: Imam Khomeini made Palestine axis of Islamic unity

Secretary General of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front Khalid Abd al-Majid praised the late founder of Iran’s Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, for his efforts to turn the Palestinian issue into the axis of unity in the Islamic world.

Sunday, June 12, 2022 09:51

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Millions poured out to attend Imam Khomeini`s funeral in 1989

Millions poured out to attend Imam Khomeini's funeral in 1989

Guinness Book recorded Imam Khomeini’s funeral as the largest in history. Over 10 million people from across the country and devotees from several other parts of the world attended Imam Khomeini’s funeral to form one of the largest ever funerals in the world.

Sunday, June 05, 2022 10:27

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Imam Khomeini’s legacy lives on in Ayatollah Khamenei’s revolutionary leadership

Imam Khomeini’s legacy lives on in Ayatollah Khamenei’s revolutionary leadership

On this day in 1989, the World lost the man that revolutionized the balance of power in West Asia and restored this balance on an international scale, uplifting with it not just the Muslim and Arab world, but the dignity and power of all oppressed nations with it.

Sunday, June 05, 2022 11:21

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