Imam Khomeini had great amount of certainty while deciding on import issues

Extracted from a series of memoirs about Imam Khomeini

ID: 79046 | Date: 2023/12/18
Imam Khomeini had great amount of certainty while deciding on import issues
Ayatollah Fazil Lankarani had recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam Khomeini had a great deal of firmness and certainty in theological and other affairs as he was never wrongly impressed by anybody.

Whenever Imam had faced any political or social issue, he took very firm decisions and nothing could weaken his resolve in this regard.

Imam had a great amount of knowledge of various fields and was himself able to make sound and reasonable decisions.

Imam also attached great significance to the experts’ views despite his deep understanding of the world's social and political issues.

Extracted from a series of memoirs about Imam Khomeini