Imam Khomeini's divine leadership revived Ashura uprising and Hosseini's school of thought

Imam Khomeini from the onset of the Islamic movement stressed the need of holding spiritual and mourning gatherings in remembrance of Imam Hossein (‘a) especially in months of Muharram and Safar as a mean for the growth and expansion of the Islamic revolution.

ID: 74607 | Date: 2022/08/06
 * A note by Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Ali Komsari, head of the institute for compiliation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works

 Imam Khomeini also considered such essential gatherings as a basic pillar for acquring knowledge about the ultimate goal of Islam and sought to implement reforms based on the principles of the pure and dynamic Islamic school of thought.

Imam and his faithful followers had gained their social capital from keeping Muharram and Safar alive. It was an asset that proved to be effective in the development of spiritual and personal dimensions. Moreover, these ceremonies also provide with the transcendental perspectives of human life, society evolution, and establishment of righteous Islamic government and a greater role for justice.

Therefore, one of the main factors which played a greater role in the victory of the Islamic Revolution was organization of mourning ceremonies in remembrance of Imam Hossein (‘a). Such spiritual gatherings provided not only the main bases for promoting and elucidating the Islamic revolution, but also boosted revival of the values.

Pointing to the significance of the subject, the late founder of the Islamic Republic once said that we are a nation who with great awareness sweep away all barriers and remove obstacles with the help of floods of tears shed in remembrance of the doyen of martyrs.

For this reason, Imam Khomeini did not evaluate sermons and speeches delivered in the month of Muharram only from the point of view of historical backgrounds and commemoration.

But according to Imam Khomeini, raising the mourning flags of the Karbala’s epic brings about the victory of hosts of intellect over the hosts of ignorance, faciliatates triumph of Islamic governance over evil powers and in this way justice also prevails over oppression.

He paid greater attention to shed light on various dimensions of these mourning sessions for the public masses so they can overcome all hurdles and cross the boundaries of self-deception and ignorance.

Of course,these could be seen ast the main part of these mourning ceremonies, from Imam’s viewpoint, and this all should serve the political and social aspects. An all-out deep understanding it can transform a person's life and prepare him to face all hurdles and counter any ups and downs..

Such a type of mourning will create movement instead of stagnation, and boost justice and anti-oppression stance instead of isolation and compromise.

Given that reason, the Supreme Leader, in order to prevent distortions and to distinguish the true from the false, stresses the need of presenting authentic and correct narration of events at these gatherings. According to the leader, scholars and people of insight must strive and undertake serious efforts to remove the veils of ignorance from the Islamic society.

That is why Imam has time and again called on the Islamic Ummah and Muslim scholars to play their historical role by dealing with the complex seditions of our time and prepare the groundwork for the formation of the new world order based on spiritual values in accordance with divine religion.

All truth-seekers, Islamic Ummah and the oppressed people want to get rid of the control of the tyranny and oppression institutionalized by the world's aggressive powers.

Today, we stand in greater need of comprehending the philosophy of Ashura uprising in order to confront the anti-human regimes around the world and their carnal oriented social and political systems. 

The promotion of Imam Hossein’s movement and the implementation of its teachings in all aspects to accomplish excellence of personal, social, political and civilized life are needed and in order to boost the new horizons of political-divine life ahead. So we are obliged to choose the best solution and tread the right path.