Medicine and nursing are sacred professions

The Sanctity of the Job of Physicians and Nurses

Nursing a patient is a very difficult task. But at the same time, it is too worthy too. If one treats a patient with love, in a brotherly or sisterly care and affection, this human duty will become divine and a worship of utmost value. You be aware that your job is a noble one. On the other hand, it carries a heavy responsibility too.

ID: 31289 | Date: 2022/11/29

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Medicine and nursing are sacred professions
Man is free in choosing a job or any of the kinds. He is a free creature from the very creation. Islam too has extended him liberty. But, it is men themselves who differ with one another in their choice. This difference is emanated from the difference, which the self is at…

Among all the professions, the most sacred one is that of a doctor. If the doctors be particular of their human obligations and work for mankind, it becomes too noble a job. It becomes a worship.

Likewise, the nursing. It is more noble. If one acts for mankind, it is a worship of the first grade. Of course, it enfolds responsibilities too which creep into the job of doctors and that of nurses. All the classes that work in hospitals have responsibilities. Doctors should not work to garner wealth or worldly profits. Such should not be the case. They should perform duty taking in view human beings who are the creatures of God. If so, their job will attain the status of worship…

Nursing a patient is a very difficult task. But at the same time, it is too worthy too. If one treats a patient with love, in a brotherly or sisterly care and affection, this human duty will become divine and a worship of utmost value. You be aware that your job is a noble one. On the other hand, it carries a heavy responsibility too. The responsibility is such that you yourself alone can fact it. To express kindness and love to a patient is very necessary because a patient is in need of love more than the need of medicine. A patient who leaves his house for a hospital, he sees himself a stranger. If the nurses treat him gently, politely in a brotherly or sisterly tenderness, the patient will be relieved of the painful feeling of a stranger. He will enjoy a relief and comfort. This comfort in his spirit will help his early recovery.

Date: May 13, 1980 [Ordibehesht 23, 1359 AHS/ Jamadi ath-Thani 27, 1400 AH[
Place: Shemiran, Darband, Tehran

Sahifeh, vol. 12, Page. 250-251